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Gen-X 10 Pro Graphite Kit (World GT)

benz1850 發表於 2009-3-22 12:21:09 | 顯示全部樓層
It should available in KWS for the kit, front and rear tire.  GO to cat shop to have a check.  I bought mine a months agaon and 2 set of tire.  
You can use all 200mm shell, and I use HPI's BMW M3 in TRC.  However, it roll over much, it should be my setting problem...ke..ke...
I use SP's 10.5 R.  close to 23 T.  It is very slow in TRC...I almost sleep.....ke..ke...
Not use for 3.5r.....
Normal 12 son servo nequire, and not full size allowed.
Also, you need this http://www.teamcrc.com/crc/modul ... &prodID=7719034  to reduce the rollover....  and this for 235mm body.  ~400 HKD in CatShop
http://www.teamcrc.com/crc/modul ... &prodID=7719021
benz1850 發表於 2009-3-22 16:27:53 | 顯示全部樓層
No sure for servo, at least I tried to mount a 9650, but it is too big.  THen I mount a very aged 12 sone servo, it is OK.  So, just mount and use it.
FOr motor, what I tried so far is SP 's 11.5.  and Novak XBR SC, no top speed indeed.  I do believe it could handle 5.5 or even 3.5.  
But the kit's spring (front and side) is too soft for high tracking track like TRC.  RollOver very easy even if setup to 4mm front and rear.  And make my BMW shell damage.....
Be ware the kit's screw, the look great but very easy to damage by screw driver, as they are very SOFT.
benz1850 發表於 2009-3-22 22:10:15 | 顯示全部樓層
The front stiffner, in theory, make the front suspenson structure more rigid.  And making more push head.  Effective as if using harder spring.  And more strong front structure.
To me, it really make more push and easier to drive.  But I change several setup together so, how much it controbute on "push"  not sure.
Your spining issus happen in my 12 son.  Need to drive very gental when exit corner, when I use 6.5R on it.
benz1850 發表於 2009-3-23 01:27:30 | 顯示全部樓層
1:10 Touring, 4 wheel drive.  World GT, rear drive.   Corret me if I am wrong.
Playing on street is not good for the car.  Go to track... such direct driver model is waste the car ah, if playing on street.  There are too dirty for them.  
And I use Lipo for playing this on TRC
benz1850 發表於 2009-3-28 14:02:35 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 benz1850 於 2009-3-28 20:09 編輯

Cat shop?  Hope those gal true.  I just mout my 9550 and I can't to that, I am disappointed as I want to use it for it's shorter in size.  As it is too wide.  I hope I am wrond la, so that you could save $$$ for tire, for palying together later.
benz1850 發表於 2009-3-31 00:57:55 | 顯示全部樓層
You bought 2 bumpers?  Remember those beautiful red Al screw are all SOFT....be careful!!!
benz1850 發表於 2009-4-1 02:52:36 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 benz1850 於 2009-4-1 16:45 編輯

oh....Brother EDI. Sad to know lots of your screw is {banned} up.  How you can fit the replacement.  Remember those screw is British standard, in inche, not matric.  You can't use tamiya screw for metal parts.
Servo mount, just use normal 1/12 saver should be ok ka bo....I use 12 son saver bought from cat shop. It works for me...
benz1850 發表於 2009-4-1 16:48:11 | 顯示全部樓層
Don't screw TRD screw into CRC metal parts ah...you will damage both.
You you should not compare XRay with US made model, like CRC or AE.  CRC and AE is bad in quality, esp on plastic portion.  XRay, a delux product la....
benz1850 發表於 2009-4-2 11:27:39 | 顯示全部樓層
any picture? Which screw 滑牙?
May be it that is the side spring issue
benz1850 發表於 2009-4-3 01:20:47 | 顯示全部樓層
Brother EDI and Henry;

Share my X10 first.

My streering rod is same length and size.  And the length enough for me to set toe out/in.
EDI, my servo also have tricky sound, but I just ignore it...and the hight of your servo will make the ackerman change.
滑牙....you need a ~3mm drill and break the head of the crew, then, see what can be done after the head removed.  50% chance you need to buy parts #3337.  I saw cat shop have stock.
Henry, you need to use longer screw in order to set the ride high.  I give up the red screw and change to matric / ti screw for stacking of those spacer.  It doesn't matter as those screw can't be seen from external
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