RC EVOLUTION - 遙控工房 - 香港RC遙控車討論區

樓主: flai
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誠意請教,what car to buy?

ckcgary 發表於 2014-3-22 11:00:38 | 顯示全部樓層
flai 發表於 2014-3-22 09:33
thx c hing. I m really a newbie.  I bought and played the V-one-S II (note: i even mixed ...

Is your V-One-S II still available?  If so, why don't you start playing with it now?  It looks good and should be no problem for start playing until it retire.
If you don't have companion, please come to join us at Kwai Fong.  Most Ching play on Sat night (sometimes Fri night).  They will setup track and feel free to have fun and they are knowledgeable to help resolving problem.  I am newbie too and they helped me much.

You can refer to the host's post like below.

ckcgary 發表於 2014-3-22 12:30:28 | 顯示全部樓層
flai 發表於 2014-3-22 11:15
c hing.  Yes, the car is still on hand.  I intentionally took the car out from cabinet and took 2  ...

Is it 2A x 4 Battery Case?  It is easy to get one at $10 or below.
Oh, we played last night already and you can join us next week.

I suggest to try your existing car first.  I am newbie and start with a 10+ year car and happy with it and not easy to find parts in HK.  I am poor, so I will buy a new one until it cannot move anymore.
ckcgary 發表於 2014-3-24 01:03:36 | 顯示全部樓層
Serpent 748 已有傳快出了,所以 747 只是暫時最新.....
樓上貓師兄嘅分級已經好清楚,可以選擇合適你嘅......師兄你擔心 V One S 無 parts,其實反正你架 V One S 都係放喺櫃啫,何不用佢嚟熱身,而且都唔一定壞嘢,可能可以玩一段時間先......
ckcgary 發表於 2014-3-25 22:00:04 | 顯示全部樓層
flai 發表於 2014-3-25 12:35
对呀!c hing, 遥控器也不得随便啊!  i will start looking at the 2 brand names and models that u  s ...

如果你唔係去車場玩或參加比賽,AM 都可以係 good start,好多師兄都用緊 2.4G 控,所以參加車聚大多唔會撞,可以放心玩下架 V One SII 先。
當你決定買 1/8 或新 1/10,我都會建議你買新一套 2.4G 控。
1/8 去大場玩可以好快,如果係跑街或去球場玩,1/8 就大才小用咗啲,而且未到極速就要收油了(需然 1/10 都只係一剎那高速)。
ckcgary 發表於 2014-3-27 12:14:09 | 顯示全部樓層
flai 發表於 2014-3-27 08:46
c hing, 比赛?想都唔敢想呀!只是想有个自己喜欢而能持久的兴趣。唔怕讲比 c hing知,我係果D眼快手慢派 ...

我都係初哥,都係跟啲師兄學嘢......而且你嗰架唔係千年古車啦,我仲玩緊架爛頭爛尾 Serpent Impulse (唔係 Pro 喎),係你前幾代嘅前輩嚟.......
只要你個 AM 控無壞而引起失控,一齊玩無乜大問題呀......試下先考慮買過 2.4G 囉......


ckcgary 發表於 2014-3-28 00:33:25 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 ckcgary 於 2014-3-28 00:34 編輯
flai 發表於 2014-3-27 20:07
Than....k you c hing soooooo much。 真没想到 gary ching 和其他的 c hing 们会不断无私地给 ...

不過既然你目標係 top 嘅車種,買過貴啲嘅控好啲嘅......

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