RC EVOLUTION - 遙控工房 - 香港RC遙控車討論區

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iCoke 發表於 2006-4-12 16:27:43 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式


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呢兩部車 都係1:8 不過7.5就21級 st 就28級 其實 2部車既車速差得遠唔遠呢?????
會唔會 7.5比st快呢??? 佢地齒比係咪差唔多呢???反應邊部會好d呢?????
如果7.5 落 hn 果部1:8 turggy 果隻大令呔 得唔得呢???會唔會傷偈 冇咁好力????
crunch 發表於 2006-4-12 16:56:34 | 只看該作者
The 7.5 and Inferno ST are very different interms of what you asked.  The 7.5 is a buggy and the ST is a truggy.  Gear ratio are very different due to the size of the wheels.  The ST has a longer chassis with longer arms.  

Interms of speed, they should be very similar (The buggy should be “alittle” faster).  The .28 engine has more torque for sure, but due to the weight and size of the car, it’s slower.  An example would be a good .21 engine can be way faster then a .28 engine.  The bigger displacement is usually torque related and not speed related (RAW power!!)

HN wheels on the 7. WILL fit with the proper adapters, but you’ll probably kill the engine in no time as the gear ratio won’t be able to handle the load.  By the way, the HN truggy wheels has a 28mm offset, so you should use ZERO offset wheels if you convert the buggy to truggy.

If you want buggy speed with truggy size, you can upgrade the engine on the ST to a more powerful engine (RB, STS, Picco…etc etc).  

Here are the info for both the 7.5 and ST.  

Length        496mm
Width        307mm
Height        189mm
Wheelebase        323mm - 328mm
Track(F/R)        258/261mm
Tyres Size(F/R)        φ 116 x 42mm
Gear taito        11 : 7 : 1
Total Weight        approx. 3200g
Engine(not incle.)        GS-21R

Length        500mm
Width        415mm
Height        150mm
Ground Clearance        35mm
Wheelbase        350mm
Tread (F & R)        335mm / 337mm
Tires (F & R)        Φ 140 x 72mm
Gear Ratio        15.22 : 1
Weight        3,450g (approx.)
Motor        GXR28
 樓主| iCoke 發表於 2006-4-12 17:09:20 | 只看該作者
多謝你咁長盡既解答 雖然英文比較屎 明d唔明d 大約都明既 thx~u~
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