RC EVOLUTION - 遙控工房 - 香港RC遙控車討論區

標題: 田宮: 大家認為不大可能的事她做出了!Buggy Champ 2009... [打印本頁]

作者: rc2006    時間: 2009-5-9 02:49
標題: 田宮: 大家認為不大可能的事她做出了!Buggy Champ 2009...
本帖最後由 rc2006 於 2009-5-10 10:47 編輯

It was said to be out at July...
作者: rc2006    時間: 2009-5-9 02:51
本帖最後由 rc2006 於 2009-5-10 10:48 編輯

See for yourself

作者: rc2006    時間: 2009-5-10 10:38
本帖最後由 rc2006 於 2009-5-14 22:55 編輯

99 % Chinese Translation ... This is a RE-Release !!!

作为电动RCバギーブーム的立役者,在1979年登场了的 Buggy Champ 回家了。
suspension arm 的机器甲板而加上了正面垂直的强化,

Torsion beam suspension式震器保持现状,
并且齿轮情况 (main gear using differential now ? )  ,Drive Shaft , Suspension  arm,,轮罩中心为此次的复版新重新制作压铸型了。

作者: peter7    時間: 2009-5-10 19:29
we are already talking about this here:
http://bbs.rc-evo.com/viewthread ... p;page=1#pid1217101
作者: minibiker    時間: 2009-5-14 14:00
Good news!
I don't have money for that when I was little...
But now I can
作者: fyin    時間: 2009-5-14 14:11
Tamiya 不停出 Re-release, 問你死未!!!
不過唔理三七二十一, 一定會買
作者: rc2006    時間: 2009-5-14 14:59
Some collecter is dumping them... knowing Tamiya can (will) re-release in almost to 100% original...

作者: AMAT    時間: 2009-5-14 15:18
作者: agentjerry    時間: 2009-5-14 15:50
7# rc2006

Wait for the re-release la!!!
作者: aattaa    時間: 2009-5-14 18:35
呢次複刻 我諗對整個RC懷舊收藏熱潮嘅影響都幾大,一路成為龍頭大哥的雙星Vintage RC 模型,收藏價值將會大减....雙星在初期可能因複刻舊model得到可觀利潤..但長遠在Fans心目中的形像和產品的吸引力都會下降...
作者: fat_fat_cat    時間: 2009-5-14 22:20
It is so 'bad' for 'investor', but for people just want own and play, it sill a great news
作者: albertau2011    時間: 2009-5-14 22:50
good news for our 六十年代 的人
作者: Cepacol    時間: 2009-5-14 22:57
打擊炒家! 嘿嘿嘿
作者: benz仔    時間: 2009-5-14 23:00
作者: aattaa    時間: 2009-5-14 23:14
作者: samuel20461    時間: 2009-5-14 23:15
作者: Cepacol    時間: 2009-5-14 23:16
aattaa 發表於 2009-5-14 23:14

不過這一批復刻版賣完了, 又會很快死灰復燃.
作者: aattaa    時間: 2009-5-14 23:23
有冇人可以提供(舊Rough Rider)如果不計炒價,你認為今天應該值幾多錢呢?
作者: camlchris    時間: 2009-5-14 23:31
有冇人可以提供(舊Rough Rider)如果不計炒價,你認為今天應該值幾多錢呢?
aattaa 發表於 2009-5-14 23:23

Approx: US$500 - US$600 if condition is good.
作者: Cepacol    時間: 2009-5-14 23:41
炒家的價錢是大約 HK$4,000

復刻新車價錢是大約 HK$1,600, 超過一半!

嘿! 這打擊可不少唷.
作者: fat_fat_cat    時間: 2009-5-15 08:52
I will get 2 too, but I will still try restore my CRP ver. heee  
作者: aattaa    時間: 2009-5-15 09:18
炒家未必一定炒Vintage架...已往Pajero複刻到香港時模型鋪咪(係咁而)攞幾架出黎賣,大部份咪攞上Ebay賣2、3千一架囉.睇吓遲啲Buggy Champ到香港時,又有幾多留在香港賣....???
作者: fyin    時間: 2009-5-15 11:04
因星星今次re-release不是limited edition, 全球發行, 數量之大, 可想而之.
ebay 賣家只可標高少少賣, 不會好像舊車的天價, 主要供求關係.
另星星復刻不會考慮investor及收藏家立場. 主要考慮公司盈利因素.
作者: fyin    時間: 2009-5-15 11:09
如果有日星星關門大吉, 所有模型先可列為古董或絕版玩具!!
作者: 中國人上太空    時間: 2009-5-15 18:10
星星咁搞法, 只係依賴舊車生存, 其實唔係好事.......
作者: TWTST    時間: 2009-5-15 18:33
星星咁搞法, 只係依賴舊車生存, 其實唔係好事.......
中國人上太空 發表於 2009-5-15 18:10

其實都未必嘅, 起碼雙星都有繼續出新嘢. 只係兩邊揾錢啫.  但對我哋呢啲新人嚟講, 真係一個好消息, 起碼可以唔駛用啲抄價來買一啲以前買唔到嘅車款呢...
作者: aattaa    時間: 2009-5-15 23:11
作者: denden    時間: 2009-5-15 23:15
27# aattaa

agreed 200%
作者: COLT仔    時間: 2009-5-16 00:04
作者: lespaul    時間: 2009-5-16 00:26
27# aattaa

Agree x 300
作者: fat_fat_cat    時間: 2009-5-16 08:03
aattaa 發表於 2009-5-15 23:11

agree agree
作者: RcFun    時間: 2009-5-16 09:42
10# aattaa

200%同意, 之前我都好迷,用$500買馴馬師車頭燈及$700買個齋殼(冇架及人仔)係ebay, 都係為咗"絕版"兩個字. 雙星比人印象係有收藏價值或比較保值. 依家佢連最經典都出複刻, 以後重有人為儲車而買多盒雙星車嗎? 無哂罕有嗰種感覺, 好心酸.
作者: 倒錢落海    時間: 2009-5-16 23:49
10# aattaa

200%同意, 之前我都好迷,用$500買馴馬師車頭燈及$700買個齋殼(冇架及人仔)係ebay, 都係為咗"絕版"兩個字. 雙星比人印象係有收藏價值或比較保值. 依家佢連最經典都出複刻, 以後重有人為儲車而 ...
RcFun 發表於 2009-5-16 09:42
我支持孖星出復刻車 最好復刻山豬
作者: aattaa    時間: 2009-5-17 00:59
10# aattaa

200%同意, 之前我都好迷,用$500買馴馬師車頭燈及$700買個齋殼(冇架及人仔)係ebay, 都係為咗"絕版"兩個字. 雙星比人印象係有收藏價值或比較保值. 依家佢連最經典都出複刻, 以後重有人為儲車而 ...
RcFun 發表於 2009-5-16 09:42

Ching 無所謂啦..Vintage 就係vintage..Re-re. 就係 re-re...兩樣野來的.
作者: kowan77    時間: 2009-5-17 11:33
作者: cannondale    時間: 2009-5-17 12:22
本帖最後由 cannondale 於 2009-5-17 12:27 編輯


Look good but not run as good as modern car.

Nevertherless, I will buy one.

It is my dream car when I cannot afford to have one as a kid.
作者: rcray    時間: 2009-5-17 13:13
I think RC car is for fun and play.
it is not for collection.
作者: bd410    時間: 2009-5-17 13:31
It's for collection too!!
作者: FAZZ    時間: 2009-5-17 13:43
支持雙星復刻更多vintage rc
作者: amuro_zhou    時間: 2009-5-20 19:14
re-release, it's not vintage, why buy it? for play?don't you think it's a little expensive if for play? why buy 2? collection? no meanings la. it's re release.  so many rough ride means no need to collect it any more. But if TAMIYA will release BRUSIER? hehe, don't waiting, it's dream. because TAMIYA have F350 already. Maybe it will rerelease AVANTE, still I won't buy rerelease vintage, rerelease means no vintage value any more.
作者: fat_fat_cat    時間: 2009-5-21 01:13
personal, will buy two too, one for refresh the feeling when purchase it.  At that time, purchase one RC car kit is a BIG BIG event.  I didn't open it and keep 3 days, read manual very very clearly, always worry will make damage (sure impossible la ). Another is for refresh  the feeling when play that,  I even don't need any improvement like diff. gear.  I just want to buy the feeling. Just my 2 cents
作者: fat_fat_cat    時間: 2009-5-21 01:22
My SRB[attach]259570[/attach]

actually still nothing works on it.....
作者: chacha    時間: 2009-5-21 02:30
作者: fat_fat_cat    時間: 2009-5-21 02:34
rch gar..
作者: chacha    時間: 2009-5-21 02:57
但係塊纖維板咁似廿幾年前係鴨記賣個 D 咁
作者: fat_fat_cat    時間: 2009-5-21 06:36
20+ years la ma
作者: soniccat    時間: 2009-5-21 10:52
作者: Ang    時間: 2009-5-26 12:53

田宮 faces stiff competition from other entertainment nowadays and many young kids have never bothered to build stationary model or even the more expensive R/C.  So R/C remains a niche market for the few groups of people.  If there are fewer and fewer new customer, then 田宮 won't be able to survive in the next century with its current business model.
作者: fat_fat_cat    時間: 2009-5-26 13:52
Yes... when you purchase a '遙控模型月刊' nowadays, you will see most guys playing rc model you had known in last 20 years...... No too much fresh blood, most younger I know nowadays only web surf, and tv games.
作者: gibson    時間: 2009-5-26 14:41
For me, it doesn't matter what the other will think.
I will buy because I like it!!
Hope all of you play RC with Good Good Health!!
作者: aattaa    時間: 2009-6-3 00:07
吾知係咪好消息.. 可以留多啲貨在香港賣.

Text from Tamiyaclub...

"I was talking to a friend about this re-re at the weekend, I mentioned I already had two pre-ordered with RC Champ.

Apparently, this friend has been talking to his LHS, who have said that Tamiya are cracking down on grey importers. Apparently, any Tamiya reseller who ships new Tamiya stock outside of their market area will be struck off Tamiya's list and will no longer be supplied by Tamiya."
作者: Ivan2005    時間: 2009-6-3 22:33
I have this car before, it is a legend in Tamiya
作者: 小龍    時間: 2009-6-3 22:39
20+ years la ma
fat_fat_cat 發表於 2009-5-21 06:36


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