價錢有平有貴,看清楚先好買作者: yooman 時間: 2010-5-20 10:09
多謝各位指路~ 原來這傢伙已有十多年歷史,~ 哈哈, 可要再去刨刨文...^^作者: andygoody 時間: 2010-5-21 12:38
我有一架Kyosho 出的女人版套裝(買時大約一千元), 早前第一次下水, 在海灘玩, 很好玩.
不過可能放得太耐, 那些用來防水的樛邊老化了, 有一點入水.
我看過大陸版, 外型及設計分別不大, 但我相信要改遙控, motor, 電變等, 改裝後, 應該性能不弱, 一樣好玩,值得買作者: appleoil 時間: 2010-5-21 15:23
Andy 師兄當年有見過男版的嗎?作者: andygoody 時間: 2010-5-23 10:29
我買時已沒有男版, 好似男版不是套裝.只是船一架作者: appleoil 時間: 2010-5-23 13:23
咁你果架有冇改野拎去玩呀!我想買男版都係諗住自己加控、接收同servo,原廠野相唔過!呵呵!作者: gibson 時間: 2010-5-23 15:58
I have it long time ago, kit only, you need to install servo and receiver. Its a lot of fun but very difficult to find.作者: andygoody 時間: 2010-5-24 21:01
I have not made any modification to the boat. I just retained its original settings and accessories and brought it to the beach to play. The effect is not bad and it could surf over the big waves.作者: michaeltam 時間: 2010-5-24 22:06 回復 9#andygoody
http://hk.video.yahoo.com/video/video.html?id=1473442作者: andygoody 時間: 2010-5-25 20:53
Very fast, can you tell us what had been modified作者: speedstar 時間: 2010-5-25 22:12
Saw one original Kyosho version selling in SZ but it is quite expensive.作者: cktam 時間: 2010-5-25 22:57