EG_CIVIC 發表於 2012-9-28 01:10
Mr. Goldenk001,
As a reader, I believe Mr. roy55699's intention is to make sure which model Mr.x0n ...
Mr. Goldenk001,
As a reader, I believe Mr. roy55699's intention is to make sure which model Mr.x0n is referring before giving his advice. But people in this forum is so picky on wordings WHY? And especially you, you make your point this afternoon already, then why you have to specifly reply again with the exactly same message tonight? What's your intention is? It makes reader feel that you wanna start a war here.
I thought the purpose of this forum is to help others with the same interest, but your action make reader disappointed. Make other don't wanna help! At the end of the day, Mr. x0n did not get any answer or advice that he would like to have. |