旺角全都抽起一粒電,問過兩間都賣$750, 跟多粒電要比多五草,八舊冇多冇少,普通版要$530/540,跟多粒電要六舊,日後免人工維修零件另計,問過現x,solo pro I 同 II分別在於 I 係紅色, II 係黃色同隻槳有夜光 ...
cheukkelvin 發表於 2010-1-27 14:56
Get help from C hing, i am super beginner, even don;t know how to turn on the heli, Would you please to teach me the procedure to turn on the heli. Thank
Get help from C hing, i am super beginner, even don;t know how to turn on the heli, Would you please to teach me the procedure to turn on the heli. Thank
supertenchung 發表於 2010-2-7 23:23