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樓主: tatame
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EMAXX/ E-revo/ Summit 技術交流區, 歡迎大家貼你既Monster Truck

光丑猶仗凡 發表於 2009-8-26 10:36:08 | 顯示全部樓層
光丑猶仗凡 發表於 2009-8-27 00:00:18 | 顯示全部樓層
係wor ~ 呢到好多惡人, 出個post都俾好多人圍~ 以後出小d為妙!! 好驚呀~~~
tatame 發表於 2009-8-26 23:55

又話自己經驗淺, 同你講slipper clutch有咩用又唔聽,或者你咁set個slipper clutch真係可以影響wheelie唔wheelie,但人地design黎根本唔係咁用個lor, 同你講wheelie取決於邊d setting上, 你又走去講kv lee樣o個樣. 人地ftbingobingo玩左廿年offroad, emaxx都玩左兩部la. 點set wheelie 唔wheelie人地唔知咩. Spec同setting都唔識分.

點都好~唔信就算  lessons are repeated until learned ( Cherie Carter-Scott, Ph. D.)
光丑猶仗凡 發表於 2009-8-27 10:51:26 | 顯示全部樓層
sure u can prevent wheelie by adjusting the slipper clutch, but yr car wheelie or not is a signal of setting yr slipper clutch. u need to use yr eyes and ears to set up a slipper clutch.

the purpose of slipper clutch is to protect yr car. The manual suggest u to loosen the slipper while there are too much wheelie. it means while there are too much wheelie, the slipper clutch is too tight, it can't protect yr car under this setting, so it suggest u to loss it.

If the slipper clutch is set too loose, the model will appear sluggish. For example, a loose slipper clutch will cause a model such as the E-Maxx not to wheelie from a standing start. If the slipper is used with a loose setting for extended periods, the spur gear could melt. ( http://www.traxxas.com)

i know u are not going to trust me, as i am friend of ftbingobingo.

these are some reference i found on traxxes.com knowledge base and RC car action forum

http://www.traxxas.com/support/k ... p;highlight=wheelie


光丑猶仗凡 發表於 2009-8-27 10:54:51 | 顯示全部樓層
光丑猶仗凡 發表於 2009-8-27 14:14:39 | 顯示全部樓層
actually u guys are now {banded} 口舌之爭 too

if wanna 專注返係技術討論之上, please comment my post 106#
光丑猶仗凡 發表於 2009-8-27 14:17:10 | 顯示全部樓層
give me some reply
tell me i am right or wrong!!!
光丑猶仗凡 發表於 2009-8-27 15:07:59 | 顯示全部樓層
just wanna clarify that traxxas.com also said slipper clutch tightness is not the right adjustment to wheelie a car
according to some comment on other forum gear ratio, wheel size, center of gravity, motor output are the right thing to do so. ( on setting, not spec. )

thx bro smalljohndoe reminding us that tatame also know this theory

but bro nitortruck i think u are the one who still want 口舌之爭 now
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