so good ar. btw, the long one for rear. and do you think you will go to pyc for play that car?
because we had went pyc to play ABC in 23T and very happy. so we plan 23rd july go to pyc again.
i'm use RP 30 tire and my friend use RP 36 in pyc and another use ABC tire(original). those tires were no
big problem at 6:30 p.m. only the RP 36 on day time (2:00p.m.~).
because of i went to PYC at 6:30 p.m. and i only use RP 30. maybe not give you a good sugguestion.
just refer to my friend. if you use RP 36, you cannot drive so hard in corner. so if i were you, i would by RP 36 and prepare ABC(original).